Sunday 7 October 2007

Bonus pointless post of the day:

Yes, I see that the Toronto office beat me to it today, but since I likely won't be around the computer tomorrow (Thanksgiving, you know. And now you have something to be thankful for) and I didn't say much yesterday, I thought I'd better make an appearance.

The problem is, what to talk about.

Should we discuss the fact that my father had a couple of large trees removed from the back of the yard this week, and it'll be interesting to see what the added light and water does to the dynamics of the garden next year?

Hmmm. I think I just discussed that in one sentence.

That's no good.

Ok, what else?

Well, we could talk about the annual Bringing In Of The Fish. The fish were brought in yesterday, and as you can see they apparently don't care for flash photography.

The fish are getting fillet-worthy in size, you know. I wonder if koi is tasty?

Kidding. I wouldn't fillet the fish.

Hell, I wouldn't even touch the fish if it's at all avoidable.

This isn't much of a topic either, is it?

Seems we've got a puzzle on our hands, folks.

Oh, hey. That gives me an idea. Let's play Spot the Chickadee. All you have to do is spot the chickadee (thus the name of the game). Ready? Here we go:

Did you see it? Shall I make it easier?

In case you're wondering, the mountain ash tree doesn't naturally grow sunflowers. The sunflowers were, in fact, being knocked over by the tree guys, so the father figure thought he'd stick them in the mountain ash. The chickadees were pretty happy with this solution.

What they weren't happy with was the idiot standing there with the camera annoying them every time they came to visit the sunflower-bearing mountain ash.

Are you getting the feeling yet that I've got nothing but pointless photos today?

Yeah, me too. It gives me an excuse to end with yet another one, though. May as well use up all of my blog photo storage in one day. Chickadee action shot:

Later, all. And Happy Thanksgiving, too.

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

I love chick a dees. Good shots.
They are hard to catch. Well, I guess these were into the sunflowers.

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