Friday 26 October 2007


Why is it on the days that I just want to upload a photo, say "I've got nothing", and prove it by posting very little that the photo thingy decides it doesn't like me?

I'm not sure that last sentence really qualifies as English, but I don't care.

It's a no-reason headache day today, apparently. No-reason as in I have no fricking idea why my head is pounding right now. I slept not too badly last night (for a change), there aren't any of my usual triggers around as far as I know, and (what pisses me off completely) I was feeling pretty good when I got in to work. The headache hit around nine o'clock, and it hasn't left since.

I'm not especially happy about that, if you hadn't noticed.

One more try at a photo, and then I'll go off and be not especially happy in real life...

Wasn't really worth the wait, I know, but it became a personal challenge to get a picture loaded up on this blog today. Me versus the photo thingy. Who has (is?) the biggest headache?

Yeah, whatever.

Going now.

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