And my ankle hurts because I was traipsing through the forest with a Grade 6 class this morning and I accidentally sort of forgot that I should probably put my brace on before I do things like that.
And my feet are cold because my shoes are wet. My shoes are wet because we were out traipsing (weird word, that, so I thought I may just as well use it a second time. Emphasis, you know) through the forest when the frost was still in the process of melting.
Frost, yes.
I had to scrape my windshield this morning.
That sucks, don't you think?
The predicted high at the Toronto office is 26C today, if anyone wondered.
I, on the other hand, had to scrape my frigging windshield this morning. Did I mention the scraping of the windshield? Yes?
Did I mention the swelling of the fingers that occurs after the scraping of the windshield? How about the pain, or the fact that the reaction is always worse on the first few cold-ish days and that it, coupled with the fact that I'm still (!STILL!) not as well I'd like to be make me a lot of fun to be around and yet I had to go traipsing through the forest with a bunch of hormonal pre-teens who, as you might imagine, couldn't be bothered to dress for the weather and started whinging about it within about two minutes of actually being outside...
Where exactly was that sentence going when it left home?
I can't remember now. I'm tired.
Not tired enough to be sleeping on a shuffleboard, but near as dammit. If any of my two fans think that they've seen today's pointless photo before, you're probably right. It's been hanging around on my nerdstick for a while now, and I couldn't remember if I'd ever used it.
Too tired to remember.
And my ankle hurts.
Did I mention?
You realise that most of this post could have been prevented if I'd only remembered to put on my gloves before I left home and put on my expletive brace before this morning's program, right?
Sometimes I'm such a five-year-old.
Good thing the blog isn't allergic to whinge, is all I can say.
Going now.
Is it so wrong that your contribution today made me giggle?
Have to go now ... there's a few more windows to open to let the warm breeze flow... um. Never mind.
I live to serve.
Or whine?
I always get those two mixed up.
I have no sympathy. I am sweltering
and its October. Just turned the air down. This is not right. It's just not. Global warming my foot.
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