I should warn you that we're getting into the season of recycled photos, or more accurately photos that have been sitting on the nerdstick for a while. It's getting too drab outside to be at all pointless photo inspiring, and I'm not desperate enough for new material yet that I've gone back to taking weird still lifes featuring my wristwatch.
It'll likely happen eventually.
Especially now that the previous series of watch photos is gone from the old blog. Some day I should really tell you what's up with the old blog. I do have a plan, you know.
Not an interesting plan, but a plan nonetheless.
Sorry. I had to take a moment to sneeze.
That's been happening a lot lately, come to think of it. Yesterday I had a couple of sneezing fits that were bad enough to leave me feeling dizzy and headachey (one of which was at a restaurant, and I'm sure it was extremely pleasant for all of those in the immediate vicinity. I know it wasn't for me), and for no reason that I can discover. I haven't been feeling too badly (finally), and it's completely the wrong season for it to be allergy-related.
Unless I've developed a new allergy.
Great. I needed a new allergy. Now I'm all depressed just thinking about the possibility.
I'd say at this point that I don't have anything today, but obviously if I'm still typing I must have something. I wonder what it might be?
Well, I suppose I could tell you that I slept until 6:30 this morning. That's big news for me, and the simple fact that it is big news leads me to a pretty particular source of frustration.
You see, for the past few years I've found myself incapable of sleeping in.
Big deal, right? Lots of people out there don't sleep in. My own mother was a morning person. I'm not, though.
Or I never used to be.
I used to be the type that (if I was off from work for any length of time, that is) would wake up at around ten in the morning but then be up until two. I loved it. Watching the late shows, staying up until all hours sketching or writing, baking cookies at midnight...
Yes, I've enjoyed my share of midnight baking. There's nothing wrong with that. And shut up, world.
All of that changed a while back when I had a pretty bad bout of insomnia. Regular readers (ha! My readers aren't regular) will know that I still go through periods of insomnia now and then, but this specific round of it was really hard to kick. I just couldn't manage to get more than a couple of hours of sleep a night despite all of the tricks they tell you to try. And believe me, I tried just about everything.
When things get that bad they either resolve themselves or you jump in front of a bus to resolve everything for good. The fact that I'm sitting here at the computer will likely show you that I didn't have to attempt the bus option.
Yeah, I thought that was a good thing too.
I started sleeping more, but I slept differently from the way I always had before. No more two in the morning for me, no sir. Ever since that bit of sleep weirdness I've found myself having to go to bed at ten or eleven, and I wake up at five.
Five freaking a.m. every damned day. Work or no work. Holiday or not.
It sucks. I liked being a night owl. I miss it. Now, though, the only time I get to see those hours that I used to love is when I'm not sleeping at all.
Somehow it's just not as comforting to stay up late when you know that your brain's going to decide that it has to be up at five no matter what. Funny how that works, isn't it?
Ah well. Today it was 6:30, so I feel like I've had about three days' worth of sleep. I don't feel like that too often anymore, so I guess I should enjoy it while I can.
Maybe I should go take some pictures of my watch or something.
See you later, all.
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