In response to yesterday's addition to the blog, Mother Nature has seen to it that I am made to feel profoundly humbled, so yes folks, just because one lives in denial does not mean winter will just pass you by. The first photo
shows the reason why this second photo depicts what "the girls" and I will doing for the most part today. Well, one of us should really dust and tidy a bit. And it doesn't look like it will be a dog up and all excited swiping at the furniture with wags of the tail, does it.

And can I tell you just how many times Blogger made me take a run at this damn post to get the photos to upload and for the page to refresh. Oy.
Oh and in case anyone is keeping score as to the number of days Dee is going to be docked for taking time off here, let's all be fair as it's STILL minus gawdawful in her part of the country. Word has it she may not show herself 'til Groundhog Day.
And after all that your first photo doesn't show up for me.
What did you do to Blogger to make it hate you?
Stupid frick-frackin'.... mutteringnastyandspitefulthings.....dang!
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