Wednesday 3 December 2008


And another rose. Hey, they can't all be squirrels in bird feeders.

So, to the earworm. Courtesy of last night's House MD, you may as well enjoy it too.

Seriously. That song will be rattling around my brain until... well, let's face it. Until the next crappy version of a classic Christmas carol is performed on some talk show or other. Then I'll be annoyed enough that Harry Nilsson will go away for a little while.

So yeah. It won't be too long. There are a lot of crappy versions of classic Christmas carols out there this time of year, as every lame pop artist tries to con people into buying another lame pop Christmas album.

I don't have an opinion on that, as you can see.

Ok, really? I'm big into Christmas carols. I collect Christmas carols -- usually somewhat obscure ones, but I have all the big standards as well. I spend a lot of time humming Christmas carols to myself, to the point where I have to ban myself from starting the internal carolling until the calendar reads December. Otherwise it would probably go on all year long.

I like Christmas carols.

I hate what people do to them.

There is NO REASON to make up your own tune to a classic carol, popsters. There is NO REASON to put your own personal stamp on a song that's been around since a long time before you and will be around for a long time after everyone's stopped rolling their eyes at your horrible recording. There is NO REASON to national anthem a Christmas carol.

Honestly, there's no reason to national anthem the national anthem either. That's another pet peeve for another time, though.

Anyway, I should get back to the lime in the coconut work. Or whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing here.

I'm a bit out of practice, remember.

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