And they're actually recent.
Yeah, I got myself all bundled up this morning (which was kind of silly, seeing as it's supposed to be a lot warmer by this afternoon) and took a bunch of new photos.
Of snow.
There's not much else to take photos of this time of year, you know. Today's pointless photo is one of the few that doesn't have snow somewhere in the photo's title.
So... um... look forward to seeing a lot of snow on the blog in the next little while?
For me, that last statement really did need a question mark. I never look forward to seeing snow. Snow's a pain in the ass to deal with (even here in Alberta, where I'm fully aware that we get NOTHING as compared to the Centre of the Universe -- where all things snow go to retire), and the very fact that there's snow on the ground indicates that it must be some form of cold outside.
And we all know how I feel about THAT particular issue.
Anyway, time wasted playing with the photo editor means that you're not going to get much out of me in the way of a readable post. I need to go find some lunch now.
Or another subject for play-doh sculpture.
Or something. I don't know.
See you later.
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