That's not the reason for the post title, though. Nope, the it of the title wouldn't be the lack of blog content lately. The it would be the hours I spend on pointless photography.
The irony, of course, is that the one time I actually intended to say something of interest about pointless photography the photo thingy is refusing to behave for me. So there you go. A photography post without any photography.
So, is anybody curious as to what I haven't quite managed to get to yet?
Is anybody noticing that the blather has returned in an exceedingly blathery way?
Well, I've been busy.
Did I already mention that?
Sorry, what were we discussing, again?
Oh, right. Pointless photos. Well, here's your pointless photography update. Through a very roundabout process one of my pointless photos came to the attention of someone who likes bugs. Er, beetles. Ok, lots of different creepy crawlies. And it's not, I suppose, so unusual that one of my photos might come to the attention of a bugman, seeing that I spend so much time chasing insects and spiders around with the camera for no apparent reason.
Anyway, to make some sort of sense out of this story (and keep it from becoming a pointless novel), let me just say that as a result of said bugman's interest I now officially have my first ever published photo credit. In an actual book and everything.
This would be akin to my finding out that I'd just won a Pulitzer for my (highly entertaining...) Friday memos to the weekend staff.
Hmmm. Add writing the Friday memo to my list of things that still need to get done this afternoon. Ah well. At least I can cross feed the snakes off. And in case you wondered, the pinkies were apparently extra delicious today.
Back to photos. The photo in question is nothing more than the usual snapshot, so don't expect that I'm going to get all uppity about my (lack of) talent, go out and buy some expensive equipment, and give up on all this supposed pointlessness. Pointlessness is way too much fun.
Besides, even a pointless photographer has to get lucky once in a while.
This would all be so much more impressive if my name hadn't been spelled wrong on the credits page. Yeah, that'd be a genuine chuckle you should imagine you're hearing right about now.
Anyway, just thought I'd share the news. The news is all I'm getting out of this whole thing, by the way. I didn't ask for anything else, really, so spreading the news'll have to be a reward in itself.
Let me try a photo again, just to say I did...
Call it that because that's what it was.
A spider.
A very small spider.
That I wasted time trying to convince an autofocus camera to take a picture of.
Ah, pointlessness. How I love thee.
very albino looking. I do love those white spiders. Less scary looking to me.
Ahhh I wondered where the season was. Tis now officially begun.
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