Good thing nobody sets a watch by this thing, I guess.
Now, topic. The pointless photo doesn't have much to do with it, unless ladybird porn can be considered drama. Maybe it is in the beetle world. You never know.
Last night I was watching (for the umpteenth time) A Soldier's Story. I don't usually watch movies in the middle of the week, but when I saw it listed I just had to tune in. No choice -- it's a film I almost always end up watching whenever it's on. Kind of like The Great Escape.
Oh, wait. Let me restate that. A Soldier's Story is NOT like The Great Escape. They're just both movies I get sucked into viewing.
In the case of A Soldier's Story, I end up watching because A Soldier's Play, the basis for the movie, is one of my favourites. It's sort of odd to say that, seeing that I've never had the pleasure of watching a production, but it's a favourite all the same.
Yeah, I'm one of those horrifically nerdy type who enjoys reading plays. I even liked reading plays in school, which just lets you know that I'm not hooked up right.
And shut up, world. I know that you already know that I'm not hooked up right.
I like plays. I like to read plays, I like to watch plays, and in my day I liked to be in plays. It's been a while now and I think it would be a trick to get my nerve back, but I think if I managed that I wouldn't mind being in plays even now.
The problem is that there aren't many plays put on by our local amateur dramatic groups that I'd be particularly interested in being involved with. I mean, I like musicals and light comedies as much as the next person (probably more than some of the next people, admittedly), but doesn't a person need a bit more variety than that? There's only so much dinner theatre the brain can handle.
There's also the part where I'm not the most talented actress in the world... but work with me here.
You may have to work with me here to finish this post. I really should be getting back to work.
The short version of what I was going to try to get around to saying is that I find plays fascinating when they give my mind something to play with. A good play to me is the type of thing that keeps reappearing in my head because it's shown me a viewpoint that I hadn't considered before. A good play changes the view.
Or it can, if you want it to.
I wish I had time to frame my thoughts more properly on this. Communication isn't my strong suit at this time of the day.
Ah well. Maybe I'll just leave it for now and add it to the list of Things I'll Probably Forget To Come Back To. It's a long list.
A really long list.
Can I go home yet?
Good grief. Can you tell at all if anyone viewed this post based on "ladybird porn"? Oh, never mind... some things are best left unknown. Gave me a chuckle, tho.
Why, yes. Yes I can.
ha ha ladybird porn. We call them ladybugs here. Deeol, or anybody.
Can you tell whether or not this
snake that just appeared in my pond is dangerous. (not that I am going to do anything about him, except quit cleaning the pump. Oh, and the spider is just thrown in extra. Click my photo.
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