The Toronto office knew I wasn't going to be around yesterday.
The Toronto office didn't blog yesterday.
Ya boo to the Toronto office.
There's a rumour out there that the Toronto office was playing games all night instead of blogging. Silly Toronto office. Haven't you heard of multitasking? Do both at once. I do.
And you can't tell that AT ALL from the quality of the blog posts.
I wasn't around yesterday, did I mention?
I had some built-up lieu time, so I decided (PREdecided, even. I'm just that thoughtful to my coworkers) to take a day off and rest in the hope that it might convince my cold to snot its way out of my life a little bit sooner than otherwise might happen.
Now, when I say "rest" you should probably read that as "enforced rest". As in, you should not drive or operate heavy machinery while taking this medication rest.
Yeah, I spent most of the day asleep. It was great.
Incidentally, I don't think anyone would be willing to let me operate heavy equipment even if I hadn't taken the the nighttime cold medication during the day. It's sort of like the old joke where the man asks if he'll be able to play piano after the doctor fixes his hand, and when the doctor says "sure" the man replies "great! I never could play the piano before..."
Erm, 'scuse me a sec. The cooler weather must have shrunk my fingers a bit, and Grandma's rings are doing annoying little laps as I type.
For those new to the program, I wear my grandmother's topaz rings on my right hand and they're somewhat big for me. I wear them anyway, and for no real reason. I'm not especially sentimental about them and the colour's not great for my skin tone (well, the blue one's ok), but I was given them after she died and I've been wearing them ever since. Just because I do, I guess.
Anyway, back to being blissfully unaware of my surroundings.
Yesterday, that is. I can't claim to be blissfully unaware of my surroundings just at the moment, as fun as it might be to go out on the trail with the ECS kids this afternoon while slightly stoned on otc cold pills.
No, no, I'm far too much of a responsible person to ever even contemplate doing something like that. Seriously contemplate, that is.
It'd make for a helluvan incident report, really.
I've so completely lost the thread here.
I suppose the long and short of things is that I'm feeling somewhat better today (knock wood, yes) and there's no doubt that I needed the rest (drug-induced or not), but taking one day off simply reminds me that September is usually the time of the year when I can take the better part of the month off and I really really really miss doing nothing right now.
Yes, I know. Cry me a river.
You could have a teeny bit of sympathy, though.
After all, I'm not well.
1 comment:
One persons trash is another persons
(nice cold weather) I would give anything, and I do mean anything to just get rid of this humid, hot weather. It is almost October and not a cool front in sight. What scares me is that I fear that with global warming, winter in Florida will be something old people talk about, that happened long, long ago.
Great u-tube. Don't you just love u-tube.
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