Sunday 30 September 2007

Really, now, don't we all feel like this sometimes

Dog tired, I mean. And don't they truly look the part. They're Labs and even though they're playing they look like Labs - all sad-faced and sleepy.

Tomorrow is the 1st of October, did you know and the darkness seems to fall with a palpable thud now ... so be cheered by the picture, dangitall.

Well, truth be told I love the dark and before having the pups around, I used to go walking at night. On purpose, even.

Walking with the dogs, however, now creeps me out - just a little bit, mind, but makes me more aware of my surroundings all the same. We shan't be analysing why this is. It just ... is.

Well, okay, I already have it figured out but do you really and truly want to visit my psyche. I didn't think so.

K, so I'm guessing you've already figured out there's not a whole lot of firing synapses on this side of the screen at the moment. Nope, not a lot of thought, random or otherwise, going on. This is where the clever person would just exit, before proving all the keys have been struck at least once and the brain is empty.

Oh, wait. Z. There, now we can quit.

Hmmm, I've had to come back several times to edit this post as blogger seems to be toying with the scale of the font so if this appears even more odd than usual as you read along at some future point (and of course it will be a future point - you're not here beside me now, are you), I didn't do it!

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