Sunday 2 September 2007

Pointless thought of the day:

One of the problems with being a right-handed mouser when you're actually left-handed is that it's hard on watch straps.

Like a lot of lefties, I wear my watch on the right wrist. This is usually more convenient than wearing it on the left wrist. It's also easier on the watch, since when you wear your watch on your dominant hand it tends to take quite a beating. Don't believe me? Try it and see.

Erm... buy a cheap watch first and use that, though. It's not the kind of demo you want to attempt with a watch you actually care about.

However, when I made the decision years ago to always use a computer mouse with my right hand (it made sense, since almost every desk in the office world is set up that way) I didn't realise that I was condemning myself to a life of ratty watch straps and shredded mouse pads. It's kind of a bother.

Take the watch off before you sit down at the computer, you say?

Oh, shut up.


Today's pointless dragonfly photo (a dragonfly? How novel. We never get those here) is a little bit different. Rather than the Cherry-faced Meadowhawks and Variable Darners that have been showing up in far too many blog photos lately, this one features a Black Meadowhawk female.

I know. Nobody cares.

But hey -- that's three more dragonfly species than I could identify at this time last year. Yay me.

I should have posted the other picture of this particular dragonfly that's on my nerdstick. It's a bit clearer. I uploaded this one instead though, and since I'm nothing if not lazy we're all stuck with it now.

That's all you're getting from me today, by the way. In keeping with the grand tradition of my long weekends always sucking, I'm on day two of a rather annoying headache.

Nobody cares about that either, but since it's my blog you get to hear about it anyway.

Lucky you.

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

I care. ♥ Dragonflies are scarce
around here this summer. I think the mosquito spray truck killed them, but left the mosquitoes.

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