Not sure?
Would it help if I showed you the earrings in question? Ok, gimme a moment.
*one moment later*
Here they are:
Yay me. A new height in pointlessness.
Anyway, the annoying thing about these particular earrings isn't their size or their weight (they're actually pretty light). It's the part where the monofilament that's holding on the letters makes a whoop whoop whoop noise every time I turn my head.
Yes, boys and girls. I now come with my own sound effects.
I hope you enjoyed the earring, though. It's as dressed up as I got for Halloween this year.
Now, on to the meat of the matter. I got (yet another) ad from my friendly local cable company in the mail yesterday offering me an "unbeatable" package deal if I combine my television service with home phone and high speed internet.
I threw it away.
What? Not even tempted, Dee? But it was big, big savings.
Yep. It was. For someone who might want cable television, home phone, and internet. I want television. That's all I even have a use for out of that list.
You see, I haven't got a home phone. I went to just my cell a while ago, and I haven't really noticed a difference except in the way that there's less money coming out of my bank account each month. And as far as internet service goes, it doesn't do you much good if you don't own a computer.
I don't own a computer.
Does that seem odd to you?
I maintain two (well, one and a half) blogs. I'm a regular visitor on a handful of forums. I'm the search engine queen. And none of that happens at home. It's either here at work or at my father's place on weekends.
Does that seem odd?
It does to the government, apparently. And to the telemarketers and pollsters that I used to end up talking to back when I still had a home phone. It seems that if you say that you don't own a computer that it translates as I'm a Luddite or I'm functionally illiterate or I'm lacking modern-day skills or I'm Amish.
I'm not Amish, as far as I know. Just in case you wondered.
I also don't miss having a computer at home.
I suppose the fact is that I spend plenty of time on the computer at work, and it's kind of nice to not have the temptation at home. Sure, there are times when it would be more convenient to be able to look up something quickly or send off an e-mail to whomever, but most of my looking-ups and whomevers can wait until the next day. Or put up with text-messaging, if it's really urgent.
Urgent like discussing last night's virtual meeting of the t.v. club.
What? It's urgent. Ish.
And here's the part where I cut this short and go back to work. Ish. Erm, no... I really will go back to work. Sorry if you were expecting the blather to come to some sort of conclusion, but you take what you get when I spend time shooting photos of my left ear.
Them's the rules.