Saturday 17 March 2007

It ain't over 'til it's over ....

.... in Ontario, anyway. Winter I mean.

I admit nothing by way of responsibility but one of my good winter jackets (as opposed to dog-related winter jackets) did get laundered the other day with the thought of putting it away for the season.

Then it snowed last night, yes. And dropped to minus 13 this morning.

The pointless photo of the day is a shot taken looking directly down at a pool in the park which had thawed only to refreeze and make the pretty picture. It's nice of nature to cooperate like that.

After all, none of these words would make sense without the illustration. That could very well be the case regarding every post emanating from Ontario, come to think of it.

Anyway, given the choice between the dull days which become warmer due to the amount of cloud cover present to keep the heat at ground level ~and~ the sunny, crisp blue sky days where the heat zooms away from the earth, and given that it is mid-March, I guess I'll take the bright, cooler days where a person can see their own shadow.

I'm tired of feeling like a lower life form growing in .... the dark.

Whut? It's what I intended to say all along.

And just for anyone keeping score: ice, zero; human one. Not even a slide or a slip today. Yet.

Ahhh, we live in hope. And sadly, the land of ice and snow.

1 comment:

deeol said...

I really like this photo.

The thing is, though, that I'm a little worried that you might be catching Me Disease. You know, as in what choice of subjects is suitable for photography.

Sorry about that. ;)

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