This is going to be quick, because I need to do set-up for this evening's program in a little while.
Besides, my head is too full to have come up with a topic.
Ah yes. Now you know. It's cold season again, boys and girls. Cold season, although I have a bit of a problem with the term. What is cold season? I seem to pick up colds any damned time of the year. Does that mean that cold season = all freaking year?
If that's the case, it sucks.
I was... erm... treating? my cold with a bit too much Mayan Chocolate ice cream (yeah, I know. And yes, I did choose the ice cream instead of groceries that I actually needed. Leave me alone. I'm not well) and it occurred to me that it's a pretty badly misnamed product.
Unless I'm mistaken, the Maya are from the new world, yes?
And cinnamon? Well, it seems to me that you look for that stuff in oh, say, India and other such places.
Does anyone else see the problem here?
Cinnamon-spiced chocolate ice cream is undoubtedly a good thing (although, sadly, it doesn't appear to cure the common cold). I just don't quite see how the Maya come in at all.
They did (and still do) have chocolate.
They did (and... oh, you get the point) spice it.
With chilies, I believe.
Wait. Let's use the magic interweb to check.... ah, here we go. Can't vouch for the authenticity, but at least someone besides me is using the word chili with the word chocolate.
Not cinnamon.
Although cinnamon is good.
And goes well with chocolate.
Especially in ice cream.
Ah well, whatever. I'll try for something of more substance tomorrow, but no promises. Oh, and just so that my two fans feel completely abandoned (I'm good that way), I won't be near a computer on Friday or Saturday so you're going to have to miss me.
I know, you're heartbroken.
I hear that Mayan Chocolate ice cream works for heartbroken...
1 comment:
yes, we are all three heartbroken.
You'd be better off with Traditional
Medicinal Ginger tea than that ice cream. Phlegm maker you know.
I had to look up that spelling.
Who knew Phlem had a g in there.
I actually wrote a poem I like.
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