The pointless photo, of course, has nothing to do with underpants.
This post probably won't have much to do with them either. Or at least it wouldn't have, until I went and typed Underpants in the title field. Now I suppose I should make it right and say at least a few things about them.
Or the lack of them.
Did you know that three different people have told me stories that involved going commando in the last two days? Kind of an odd coincidence there.
Incidentally, if you're planning on going commando it's probably a good idea to not walk around with your fly open. And if you absolutely must walk around with your fly open, it's a kindness to your coworkers to make sure you choose attractive or at the very least interesting underpants to flash to the world.
Yeah, that's one of those you-had-to-be-there moments. And don't worry -- it's not Wheat who's been traipsing around the place looking a little less than fully dressed.
I think that's all I have to say about underpants just at the moment.
Does anyone else think it strange, though, that I rarely use the term knickers (ok, that part's not so strange when you consider that I'm Canadian and we tend to follow the American terminology when it comes to underthings) unless it's follwed by in a twist?
Somehow knickers in a twist is much more satisfying to say than panties in a bunch. Not sure why on that one.
I shall be away from all things computer for the next couple of days.
*waits patiently for the groans of disappointment to subside*
Geez, people. You could at least pretend.
I'll be spending the next two days getting my first aid and CPR back up to date. I'm a little later on it than I usually like to be, but thankfully no one around me has attempted to die lately so it doesn't really matter.
I've done the course enough times over the years that I'd probably be all right anyway, but still.
Even when my certification's up to date, I usually try to take the full course rather than the shorter recertification whenever I can. I don't think the refresher hurts anything, and there are generally enough changes to the CPR methodology that a person may just as well do everything over again.
I have to be certified for work, in case anyone hadn't come to that rather obvious conclusion on his or her own.
I'd likely do it even without that requirement, though.
The fact is, I've been certified since I was about twelve (if you don't count the occasional time that I've let it lapse for a year or two... like now, for example). I did my first course through swimming lessons, if I remember right, and after that I kept it up because I was doing a fair amount of babysitting. Seemed like a good idea to know what to do if one of the little shi... darlings decided to do themselves an injury.
After all these years it should be second nature, I suppose, but like I said a few lines ago I don't think the refersher hurts anything.
Besides, I need the paperwork. Or rather, my personnel file does.
So anyway, I'll be off pretending to save the world until Thursday. That means the t.v. club will have to police itself, although I may be asking for reports later. Oh, and if you watch the show on the American channel things'll apparently be starting exactly seven minutes late, just so that you know.
How they know it will be exactly seven minutes late is beyond me, but then I'm also the one who started a post with the word underpants just to see if anyone actually reads the titles.
Draw your own conclusions there, I guess.
See you in a couple of days.
1 comment:
Hmmmm.... guess I am not up on the latest terminology as I had no idea what "going commando" meant. I did recently have a female co-worker who wore pants that were so low in the back giving everyone a view of the back of her thong and tattoo. The workplace has really changed. The center was supposed to be business casual but I saw flip flops, tiny T's
and stuff that should only be worn after six.
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