I've moved pretty much directly from the end of that last cold to the beginning of spring allergy season.
It's snow moulds now, but with luck that should be ending quickly. It has to make way for the poplar pollen, after all.
I'm at work at the moment, and I'm finding that simple fact mildly annoying. Working on a Sunday, I mean.
That alone is a little bit weird, and I'm going to blame it on snot because it's convenient.
The reason it's weird to be annoyed by working on a Sunday is that I've spent a fairly large part of my professional life working on weekends. It used to be just a normal thing for me, but now for some reason it's become annoying.
That doesn't make sense, and I'm the first one to admit it.
Why should it annoy me to be working on a Sunday? I've just come from two days off, so it's not like I haven't had a proper weekend. I can often get more done on a Sunday because there are less distractions. The person I'm working with is very nice and quite capable, so I don't feel like I'm babysitting or anything.
So why annoyed?
I'm beginning to think that I'm merely annoyed to be working. Now, don't get me wrong. Working is undoubtedly a good thing, especially if you like paying your bills. I, however, am not supposed to be working now.
Not full-time, anyway.
It's completely thrown off my rhythm.
I'm used to being full-time seasonally and then casual the rest of the year. Working now is just... well, it's wrong. When the alarm goes off in the morning my first thought tends to be what the hell??? and that feeling doesn't really go away all day.
My entire psyche is confused.
I'm not at all a creature of habit, you know.
And Wheat... I still want my filing cabinet back. Just in case you thought I'd forgotten.
Ah well. Speaking of work, I suppose I should get back at it. One thing before I sign off, though: WAKE UP, T.V. CLUB. Consider this your early warning. I know that most of you have forgotten that the show exists after so many breaks, but apparently we'll be in fine wine gum fettle for the next few weeks.
I kind of get tired of holding your collective hand sometimes, folks, but I do what I can.
I need to go blow my nose now.
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