Tuesday 27 March 2007

So let's play

Today's game is Where's Smudgo! That's right, Bob ... tell them what they'll win!

This is Smudge. This is Smudge hiding of course. She's a calico as anyone knows who's paid attention over the years and so, apparently, is the handmade quilt from Mennonite country. I wonder if she's part ostrich, in her mind. And if that needs explaining you're worse off than me and *I* haven't had coffee yet.

Anyway, I'd wanted a real quilt for some time and you have to admit that Mr. Smudge did a great job in choosing the colours. It was he, you see, who was in the right place at the right time and lugged it back to Canada from that other country to the south of us. It weighs a ton being filled with woollen something or the other and is one of those purchases one grits one's teeth over and just pays the cash, expecting it to be a once-in-a-lifetime thing. And it surely will be.

And it doubles as a Smudge hiding place. Bonus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonder does she know one foot and a tail or showing? Hee Hee. Cats
are strange. My husband keeps pulling up his covers when he leaves for work, and putting a kleenex box on his pillow. It seems the cats like to sleep on his pillow. When they do, he gets a fresh pillow case.

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