In other words, that's about it for the moment. I woke up with a bad head, and in my world more than one day of headache in a row means that either the allergies are acting up or the neck is. I haven't quite decided which, but either way I'm not in a blathery mood.
Maybe later.
Or not.
We'll see.
And yes, I did take the pointless photo for a reason. It'd be no fun if I told you why, though, and I need all the fun I can get just now.
hmmmm... what is that stuff underneath the heater. A rug. It looks frozen somehow. Ok. now enlarging it. I do see ice there.
And what is that silver metal like piece to the left. Hmm...You just
know how to drive me crazy.
Did the heater cause your headache?
Just a thought.
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