Besides, I've already told you that we're on pointless photo dregs at the moment until I get a chance to take some new (pointless) shots.
Hey Wheat! Did I actually bother to tell anyone that I wasn't coming in to work today? Probably not.
Ah well. Breaks my heart.
I have no idea what if anything is coming out in the blatherage today. I'm tired. It was a long, busy week. I'm seeing stars when I close my eyes, and I probably talked about them in my sleep. I don't think the cat minded, though. He may even have learned something.
Now I've got the music playing and the laundry spinning. In other words, I'm trying my best to have a weekend.
Yes, that's what passes for a weekend in my life. And shut up, world.
I'm not sure about this whole work thing. Seems to be a lot more time-consuming than I remember it being. And... it also seems to be involving a lot more bruising than it used to. You should see my legs just now. Nothing but black and blue marks.
Looks suspiciously like I've taken a job as a substitute goal post.
I had a few things I could be typing about, but I think the window of opportunity's closed already. Somehow it's hard to work up a head of steam about, say, equipment failure of the support variety (read that as: why do underwires always seem to pop just at the worst possible time?) when that was days ago now and was remedied by an unscheduled drive across town to my apartment and back in between programs.
Besides, that'd likely be a TMI post for most of you anyway.
We could talk about other support issues, I suppose. I posed this question to the Toronto office a little while ago and I'm still not quite sure what to do about it. Lately I've been wearing my ankle brace almost constantly because programming in the planetarium (what with set-up, take-down, and crawling around on the floor inside the thing) is really hard on the effed-up joint. Wearing the brace has been a big help to the general pain level I have every day (and yes, I am one of those who just expects a certain amount of pain every day. Nature of the injury, as my two fans already know), but it also means that my muscles are getting lazy because they're not having to work as hard as they usually do.
This in turn means that walking without the brace isn't exactly comfortable these days.
I should add here (yet again) how much I hate wearing ankle braces. There's a reason for that, but since I'll probably need that topic another day I won't waste it now.
So here's the problem: does a person go back to constantly wearing a brace that she, for the most part, loathes? Having less pain is definitely a good thing, but on the other hand if the joint's not being worked the problem is likely to get worse as I get older. It probably will anyway, if I'm being honest, but this might make it happen more quickly.
Or it may just work the opposite way and slow down the deterioration completely. Maybe I should be wearing a damned brace all the time and it's my own stubbornness that's making things bad in the first place.
No idea, in the end.
And if anyone's wondering why I don't just ask my doctor... well, mind your own business. Er, that is, maybe I will when I go in for my usual spring can't-breathe-because-of-the-stupid-tree-pollen appointment. That'll be coming up pretty soon, and it always makes me cranky because it always goes the same way and yet I still have to do it every freaking spring.
Ah, but now I'm getting snitty.
Must be the hint to stop typing.
Snittiness, or the fact that I need to change laundry loads.
Either way, I'm off.
Shut up, Wheat.
You could just increase the recreational drinking.
Or, buy a new foot, nose, immune system & sense of balance.
That'd fix everything.
I'd go with wear the brace more, and less pain. But, that's just me.
My best friend is a heating pad. It just makes everything feel better. Well, I guess not in the middle of July. But I have some sort of injured shoulder, roter cuff or something. (who knows since the doctor did not bother with xrays just gave me a prescription for physical therapy.) Then I find out my medical insurance requires me to pay full deductible for therapy. Plus the closest doctor on their list is an hour away. I think I will just live with the heating pad. I hate doctors and health insurance.
I'm sure just being able to keep the filing cabinet can do wonders. Listening, wheat?
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