Music's a pretty big part of my life and has been since just about forever. I was one of those kids whose non-school hours were taken up with music lessons, choirs, and performing. I sing where other people might mumble. I nearly always have a tune going through my head, and I generally have to have the internet radio going in the office to keep those head-tunes from constantly coming out.
My own particular form of insanity, I suppose, but at least it's a cheery one.
Growing up I played piano, oboe, flute, and various percussion. I still play piano (badly) and I own a few fun percussive toys, but I've given up the wind instruments. It's too hard to practice in a one-room apartment, and in reality there's no reason for me to bother any more. It's not like I have anywhere to perform.
The music's just for me now, and I like it that way.
My voice? Is decent. I find it a bit too pretty (I'd much rather be Etta James... or at least be able to channel her occasionally), but overall I like the way I sound. That's saying a lot, by the way. There's not a lot I do that I'm not second-guessing later, but I don't usually feel like running head-first into a brick wall after I've sung something.
It's one of the big oddities in my world that I love music so much and yet have never wanted to take performing any farther than I did (which wasn't terribly far. Small town girl here, remember). It's easily explained, though. I've never, ever wanted music to not be fun.
Music is far too important to me to see it become a job, a chore, or (Whomever forbid) boring.
It came close to that when I was teaching voice and directing a youth choir a few years back, and although I sometimes miss the enjoyment that comes with sharing music with others I definitely don't miss listening to kids singing scales all weekend.
For me, it's easier nowadays to just sing along with the radio... or the voices in my head. Whichever is coming through more clearly, I guess.
I'm done typing now. I really like this song, and this chair isn't going to dance itself.
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