Read the previous entry if you didn't follow that. I'm not going to explain.
So what did you do with your day off, Dee?
I cleaned house.
I'm not normally an untidy person (although I will admit to an aversion to dusting. It's such a sisyphean thing to have to do. You dust, you turn your back, and the dust alllll returns...), but in the past while things had gotten away from me pretty badly. Something about the whole working-when-I-don't-usually-work issue, I expect. I've been coming home and just sitting, and for whatever reason the brownies haven't been showing up to do my vacuuming.
Erm... these brownies, not these ones. It'd be kind of weird the other way around.
I'd intended to do a whole lot of nothing yesterday, but I started seeing with my mother's eyes at some point during the morning and decided that I could no longer ignore the mess.
Have I mentioned my occasional moments of WWMD? That'd be What Would Mom Do? as in what would she think if she showed up at the apartment unexpectedly and it looked like it had been looking for the past few weeks.
Personally I'd be a little freaked if she did show up at the apartment unexpectedly, but that's just because she's been dead for quite a few years now. Otherwise, I'd be fine with it.
Um, anyway.
So I cleaned. I won't say top to bottom because I'm pretty sure I didn't do much about the ceilings, but things are definitely back to the point where I wouldn't be making all kinds of weird excuses if you told me you wanted to drop by tomorrow.
I won't be home since I'm headed to my father's place after work like usual, but you're welcome to drop by anyway. Just make sure you lock up when you're done.
I was going to add that I managed to turn my ankle when I slipped a bit as I was cleaning the tub, but it's such a normal part of life for me to turn my ankle while doing almost anything that it's not really newsworthy except for the fact that the limp is a little more pronounced today.
Here's where I stop the blather and send my very serious condolences to the family of a friend (ok, friend of a brother. But still) who died very suddenly the other day. Too young. No one should miss seeing his kids grow up, and this is a pretty sad time for everyone involved.
Later, all. Hug someone you love.
I do so have dogs. Boy, do I have dogs. You want dogs? I can post dog photos. Lots and lots and lots of dog photos.
Huh? Huh? Changed your mind, haven't you.
I MUST have dogs. That's about the only thing (pain, that is, from said dogs in the dog-walking phase) that could get me to make a doctor's appointment for a Monday afternoon in November.
Hey look! This is actually a post - or it could've been :)
Oh ... and turned your ankle into what exactly.
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