I'm assuming.
I gave him his presents on the weekend because I knew I wouldn't be able to make it in today (or wasn't likely to, to be more honest). Presents in the plural, yes, because I had trouble figuring out what to get him so he got a few little things instead of one bigger one.
My dad isn't an easy person to buy for, but not because he's fussy or particular or anything like that. It's because he's one of those rarities of the species: a male who enjoys shopping. Actually, more like a male who enjoys finding a bargain. He likes to look for deals on things, and he has a tendency to buy those things as he finds them.
Not generally a problem, until it comes to birthday and Christmas time of year and I have to find something he might like that he doesn't already have.
As fun as it sounds, yes.
This year I didn't have a clue what to get him until the actual day before I gave it to him. I'd bought a novelty item (a ball cap with a couple of LEDs embedded in the brim. Think of it as a hat/flashlight) that I thought would make him laugh or at least roll his eyes, but nothing else. I went shopping out of sheer desperation on Saturday and finally -- FINALLY -- came up with an idea as I was buying something for myself.
A decent idea, even. He broke his barbecue tongs this past summer and hadn't replaced them, so I got him a set of new grilling tools. I also picked up some reusable silicone food-trussing ties for his rotisserie, which isn't as weird as you might think.
No, really.
And shut up, world. A girl can give her father food-trussing ties for his birthday if she wants to.
Anyway, the gifts were given and opened and the father figure was delighted with... the ball cap.
No, really.
The joke gift.
He thought it was cool.
Well, you just never know. That's all I can say about that.
Happy birthday, at any rate. And I hope you have a lot of fun trussing your next chicken.
And I love you, but I hope you know that already.
Hey! Dad reads this? Er, I guess that could well be a big "duh, me" but I've never thought to consider it, I guess.
Of course he's mindful of all his offspring does - well, okay not all, I expect. And just as well.
Where was I?
Happy Birthday dear parental unit of the OLF and enjoy the hat :) I won't even mention the tongs for the memories ... nope, not me.
Happy birthday!
Actually, I doubt very much he does read it -- although he's welcome to.
Come to think of it, it's a pretty good test of the blog veracity that I wouldn't cringe if it turned out he did read it.
Yay me. I tell truth goodly.
Yes you truth, tell goodly, Yoda.
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