Sunday 18 November 2007

Yes them again and one of them not even on the ground

What could be more lovely, really: a girl, her trusty canine companions, a toy to enjoy the interaction. Oh, oh! I know! If it were at least five degrees warmer on the C scale! That most definitely would've helped.

Not that I'm complaining. Erm , well, yes, I am.

I have been lulled thus far but today smacked with reality of November weather; last week, 10 degrees one day, then *poof* five. Today it's a minus something, meaning there are NO degrees running around out there. None.

And for she who is paying attention, yes, the poof was for you. Tomorrow, winnowing.

Oh and the dog. She went from stand to all four off the floor in 2 seconds flat. All 87 pounds of her. Makes me self-conscious to say that some days I just hate to even roll out of bed. The photo was taken, as you can probably tell, as the sun was setting just a little bit ago, hence the red chocolate Lab.

I shall stop typing now as there is reduced feeling in my fingers. I think they need to be wrapped around a very large mug of hot something-or-the-other. And I think I have a small container of that around here somewhere.

Oh and I've come back to sneakily edit this to say that, yes, there was a treat involved in the height of the dog. She should really carry a placard "works only for food".

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