Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want me to elaborate?
It's two butterflies. Mating.
Northern Pearl Crescents, I think.
The female's on top.
No one was expecting any actual information from this post, I hope. I'm not in the mood to do the linking thing, so if you're desperate to know more about these shameless exhibitionists you'll have to warm up your own google today. I'll be nice, though, and give you the scientific name to help.
Are you ready?
Phyciodes. Phyciodes cocyta, if these are, in fact, Northern Pearl Crescents.
And no, I'm not going to link to the book either. You'll just have to look it up yourself if you're interested.
It's a good book, though.
I imagine you'd guessed that part by now.
I also just accidentally posted this lame excuse for blather before it was finished. I know, how can you finish something that never really got started?...
Oh, whatever. I'm pretty obviously not in blather mode today, so I think I'll just post this nonsense (REpost this nonsense) and try fresh tomorrow.
Enjoy the
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