What sucks is feeling sick (in the North American sense) enough that you can't properly brush your teeth because you're worried that brushing your teeth might bring on another round of sick (in the British sense this time).
Yeah. It's been a fun couple of days.
And you're so welcome for that mental picture.
Ah well. Thanks to the Toronto office for stepping in to keep the blather going, although since I haven't talked (er... texted) to her for a while she probably had no idea why she was keeping the blather going.
Extra points for that.
Anyway. Today's pointless photo. I don't have anything worth blogging about at the moment (gee. I wonder why?), so I'm just giving you a game of Spot the Animals instead. Yes, there are animals in the photo. No, I can't remember how many. Maybe you can tell me. Click on the thing to enlarge it, then get out your best naturalist eyes (as opposed to naturist eyes, which would probably be looking at things nakedly) and see what you can find.
As for me, I'm... probably not going to have lunch, judging from the complaining that my system is still doing.
What is it????
Oh, now you're putting me on the spot. Let's see...
Two, I think. I can see a muskrat sort of near the centre of the photo, and a mostly-obscured ruddy duck off towards the right.
There might be more things hiding in there. It's been a little while since I took the picture, so I really have forgotten.
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