I'm the one wearing jeans.
Max has this weird habit when it comes to rubbing up against people. No, it's not the rubbing part. Cats generally do that. The weirdness comes in with the way he goes about it. He basically walks past you and then whaps you with his hind end.
We call it bumming. As in congratulations, you've just been bummed by the cat.
The funny thing is that Penny (a.k.a. Lumpy a.k.a. the cat who doesn't get mentioned as much on the blog because she's the comparatively normal one), who used to rub people in the usual cat fashion, has learned how to bum by watching Max. No doubt she noticed that it gets a response, and she's since become a world-class bummer herself.
How many of my two fans have already caught on to the fact that I have nothing today?
Good for you. Ten points.
Ah well. Link time, then. This blog is kind of neat.
I'm going now.
But I bet you expected that.
But really, I loved the bumming cat story. I have never seen a cat do that. And that the other cat picked it up. Very smart cats.
Penny and I had a serious talk. I hope you don't mind.
I calmed her down and she's no longer upset at being called a bummer.
Penny? Is never upset by anything. She's the floatiest cat I've ever met.
Well, ok, so she's not that into having her claws clipped. Or having her hair pulled on when she's... um... dragging litter, so to speak.
She forgets she was upset in about five seconds, though.
I wonder if maybe she's a goldfish.
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