Thursday 17 July 2008

This photo has a spider in it

Well, it does.

The funny thing is that I wasn't intending to take a photo of a spider. Not this time, anyway.

Ah, spiders. Do you suppose the whole spider thing that hangs around my brain will ever go away? I wasn't intending to become all OLF about spiders. I mean, I've always sort of liked spiders (mostly because I didn't like insects, and the spiders get rid of those), but I would never have imagined that I'd be spending so much time in my off hours hunting them down to take their portraits.

I blame doodling.

For those few of my two fans (er, something off about the math there...) who don't know the story, the spider thing started when I was working on a display (about spiders, funnily enough) here at work. When you've got spiders in your thoughts you start noticing spiders more.

There are a lot of spiders out there, you know.

Many of them have appeared on the blog at one time or another.

The spider thing was harmless enough when it was just my brain that was involved, but I'm suspecting that it's gotten a bit out of hand. It's spread, you see. I was telling the Toronto office about something that's up with one of my spider doodles (this one, in fact) and gave her the name of the spider in case she wanted to look it up, but she remembered it from my mentioning it before.

That's sad.

Not that she remembered. That's great. No, the sad part is that I'd mentioned it BY NAME before.

I'm such a geek.

And not in the chicken-head-biting sense.

Ah well. Not a whole lot I can do about it at this point, unless someone would like to suggest a topic for a new display so that I can... what was the phrase I used before... become all OLF (that's a strange expression, Bruce) about something that isn't spiders.

Of course, with my luck I'd just be adding a new obsession to the existing one...

Ah well.

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