Friday 11 July 2008

Well, bugger

Apparently I'm doing a program this afternoon.

A program that I didn't know anything about until this morning. Even just that upsets my neurotic little world. It gets better, though.

I have a program with a group that needs a translator.

A program on a day with winds gusting up to fifty kilometres per hour.

A program for which I'll be on my feet for two and a half hours.

A program for which I'll be on my feet for two and a half hours while wearing a sock with a fairly large hole in it (which I didn't discover until I got to work, for anyone wondering why I chose to wear a holey sock).

Oh, and I don't have a brace with me today.

Yep, bugger pretty much sums up the situation nicely.

All of this, of course, doesn't exactly put me in blogging mood. When not in the mood it's generally best not to even bother, so...


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