Ok, maybe the eyes themselves aren't so weird. They're very myopic and an indescribable colour (the closest I can come is swampwater green, but that doesn't really give the idea), but they're pretty much just run-of-the-mill eyes otherwise.
It's more the eye-brain connection that isn't quite right.
As in, I think that maybe I see -- or at least process the things I see -- oddly.
I mean, I'm sure every person out there sees things differently from every other person. We're all using different equipment. There's no way we should all be getting the exact same picture.
I take pleasure in things that I don't think a lot of people would. Patterns, shapes... I can find myself fascinated by the way the seeds are packed into a sunflower head, for example (and yes, you'll probably be seeing plenty of pointless sunflower photos in the next while). I like the way a dying leaf twists as it starts to dry up. I like spiders.
Yeah, you already knew that. But (as, admittedly, I've said before) it's almost more for their shapes than anything else. The shapes in a spider make my eyes happy.
I know that it's weird.
I don't think I can help it, though.
Take today's pointless photo... which was, in fact, taken today. I was out in the sanctuary and happened to notice a dragonfly's wing lying on a viewing deck. As to the dragonfly itself, I expect that it probably became dinner for one of the birds out there. It's certainly not flying around with only three wings.
My first thought when I saw the wing? That'd make a neat picture. The shininess of the wing on the rough wood, the branching veins, the elegant structure, the fact that this thin, delicate membrane was able to keep an animal in the air...
I think I may have some sort of problem.
Of course, my two fans have probably known this for some time.
Was anyone ever planning to tell me?
Ah well. Not much I can do to fix it at this point. Mumblemumble years of seeing weirdly create a fairly unalterable habit.
And speaking of habits...
No, I don't know why today's pointless photo is centred. Sometimes I do that to make a point or draw attention to something, but today I think I just wasn't paying attention.
Ah well.
And yes, I know I've already said that.
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