Disappearing means that my blogging will be sporadic in the next while, though, because if I'm not here or at my father's place I have no internet access. It would be silly to have internet access at my apartment, seeing that I don't actually own a computer.
Yes, I still don't own a computer.
I don't need one.
I get enough of it here at work.
Anyway, no internet means no blather from me. I'll leave it to the Toronto office to decide if she feels blathery. I may blather on Wednesday, since my plan to completely disappear was foiled by having someone book me for a program (how DARE they?), but no promises.
Until then (whenever "then" might be), enjoy the melon. I have no idea why the father figure is trying to grow melons; there's no way they'll be ripe before frost. Ah well. Points for creativity, I suppose.
1 comment:
Not to be confused with "that'll put frost on your pumpkin", I'm thinking.
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